Monday January 6th 2025



Snösvängen is a midwinter event close to Stockholm. The start and finish are located right by the Drottningholm Castle, home to the King and Queen. The walking trail is beautiful, but harsh in the middle of winter. The trail is 20 km in length.

Snösvängen has no weight reguirements and is held fpr the 34th time year 2025.

Only 20 k – Is this really long-distance walking?

The challenge in Snösvängen is not really the distance, but rather the narrow and winding path, which can be treacherous in wintertime. Cold weather, sometimes deep snow and darkness falling early in the day.


Snösvängen is organized by MF Ambulator with support and in cooperation with Svenska Idrottsförbundet, Svenska Friidrottsförbundet, Svenska Folksportförbundet and Internationaler Volkssportverband e.V. (IVV) i Altötting.

Snösvängen has previously been organized 32 times by Frösunda Mångkampsförening.


  • Marschledare: Tell Hermanson
  • Biträdande marschledare: Rolf Åkerblom
  • Banansvarig: Tell Hermanson
  • Supportledare: Andreas Olofsson


20 kilometres.


The surface is generally narrow trails and some gravel roads. Snow and ice make rocky paths slippery.

The trail

The trail begins in the UNICF protected park of Drottningholm Castle. The rest of the trail follows a marked hiking trail called “Fornstigen”, which is marked with blue signs. A map of the trail is available in GPX format.

See Maps

Date of the march

Monday 6 January 2025 (Public holiday, Epiphany).

Times for the march

– Sunrise at 08:41.
Gathering at 09.15 the latest
– Common start at 09.30
– Sunset at 15.06.
– Finnish at 16.00 the latest.

Note: Darkness falls around 3 PM, so a flashlight or headlamp is required for those who have not finished by then.

Place of start and finish

Start & Finish; Karamellan Café & Restaurant by Drottningholm Castle on Lovön in Ekerö commune. Several SL-buses go there, e.g. 176 and 177. Parking available (Easypark). Clean toilettes open.


This is a field like event, only light refreshments available,.

Outfit and equipment

You should be outfitted for a mid-winter walk. No mandatory packing required but a small backpack with water and snacks is recommended.

Each participant must bring a cup, mug, or other drinking vessel to use at the rest stops.


Snösvängen is not a competition among participants. The purpose is to provide a start of the year test of your mental and physical readiness for harsh conditions.


The goal of the event is for participants to complete it in unmarked terrain and under any weather conditions without injury. The expected outcome is that participants will cross the finish line feeling proud, happy, and unharmed.


On completion you get a Diploma and a shimmering textile patch.

Last day for registration


Target group

Adults and sub18 with parent’s permission.


You do this at your own risk.

Participation fee

200 SEK


Entry by form on the website. As a confirmation your name will be on a list on this page.


Payment via Swish 1235507751.
Code: SNO24 and date of birth and first and last name


The board reserves the right to deny individuals participation in the event. The board can, but is not obliged to, state the reason for the decision. Paid participation fee will be refunded in full.

Arrangemanget genomförs oavsett väder. Banan kan förkortas efter beslut av marschledaren om förhållandena avseende nederbörd, snödjup och temperatur sammantaget bedöms vara extrema.

Registration form