4Dagars Stockholm is a four-day event in the month of May with a start and finish in central Stockholm, with courses from central Stockholm out into the suburbs and back. The four daily courses – which are laid out like a four-leaf clover with a common start and finish – pass through densely built-up urban environments, residential areas, industrial areas, shopping centres, parks and nature conservation areas
4Dagars Stockholm år 2025 genomförs för 6:e gången.
4Dagars Stockholm 2024 arrangeras av Ambulator.
4Dagars Stockholm har tre gånger tidigare arrangerats av Kungsholmens Gång- och Vandrarsällskap och därefter av MF Ambulator.
- Marschledare: Jörgen Hillbom
- Assistant marching leader: Christer Berggren
- Head of Office: TBD
- Banansvarig: Christer Berggren
- Supportledare: Roger Forgbert
10, 20, 30, 40 eller 50 km per dag.
The surface is mostly asphalt, concrete and cobblestones, but on some stretches the courses run on dirt roads and forest paths.
The courses can be read in a browser on a smartphone or downloaded as GPX files and read on a smartphone in apps such as Suunto.
Date of the march
Torsdag-söndag 29 maj-1 juni 2025.
Times for the march
Assembly at 06:30 Day 1. Joint start every day at 07:00:00, finish no later than 19:00:00.
Place of start and finish
Start- och målgång vid Ambulatortrappan, Rålambshovsparken, 59°19’46.92″N 18°1’15.5″E.
Vätska och lättare förtäring kan köpas längs respektive bana, oftast vid minst en plats per 10 km.
Medför gärna en rycksäck med pengar, ficklampa, powerbank, laddkabel, kost och dryck.
4Dagars Stockholm is not a competition between the participants, but the purpose of the event is to encourage the participants to train up and over the year maintain and strengthen such a general resilience and physical endurance that one is able to carry out such a performance that corresponds to the event.
The goal of 4 Days Stockholm is for the participants to be able to cover the selected distance without injury. Expected end state is that the participant after the fourth day's finish line is proud, happy and unharmed.
Evenemanget är auktoriserat av Internationaler Volkssportverband e.V. (IVV) i Altötting.
Samtliga deltagare som fullföljer minst 4 x 10 km erhåller diplom.
All participants who complete the minimum regulated distance based on age at the start qualify for a medal that can be purchased in the office.
Marschprov för Nijmegenmarschen
4Dagars Stockholm är ett godkänt marschprov för att antas till den svenska militära delegationen vid Nijmegenmarschen.
Provet ska omfatta minst 80 km marsch och ska genomföras inom två dygn om etapper på 40+40 km.
Anmäl i förväg om du anser gå detta prov och önskar intyg om genomfört prov från kansliet för 4Dagars Stockholm.
Final registration date for participation
23 maj 2025, i mån av plats och med förhöjd avgift (se nedan).
Target group
Adults or minors from the age of 10 with guardian's consent.
All Participation is at your own risk.
Cost for participants
Deltagande kostar 400 kr om inbetalning sker före den 1 maj 2025, och 500 kr efter den 1 maj.
Anmälan via anmälningsformulär på webben. Anmälan öppnar 9 februari 2025. Bekräftelse av mottagen anmälan kan hittas på anmälda sidan vars länk finns i dropdown-menyn
Betalning via Swish 1235507751. Ange koden 4DS25 följt av eget födelsedatum, samt för- och efternamn.
The board reserves the right to deny individuals participation in the event. The board can, but is not obliged to, state the reason for the decision. Paid participation fee will be refunded in full.
A. Civilt deltagande
Legend | Blue text on a yellow background is abbreviated distance | Black text on a green background is normal distance | Red text on a yellow background is extended distance |
Daily distance x4 | From 13 years but not 15 years old | From 15 years but not 18 years of age | From the age of 18 but not over 50 years of age | From 50 years but not over 60 years of age | From the age of 60 |
10 km | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma |
20 km | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma |
30 km | Diploma and medal | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma | Diploma and medal |
40 km | Diploma and medal | Diploma and medal | Diploma | Diploma and medal | Diploma and medal |
50 km | Diploma and medal | Diploma and medal | Diploma and medal | Diploma and medal | Diploma and medal |
Underage civilian participants
Underage participants in civilian classes must unconditionally have permission from a guardian. The organizer reserves the right to refuse the participation of minors in the event if there is uncertainty as to whether the guardian has given his permission or not.
Change of registered participant name, distance or class
Registered paid participant can transfer their paid place to another participant after dialogue with the secretariat.
Deltagare i civil klass som önskar byta distans kan göra detta efter anhållan hos och tillstånd från arrangören. Som fullföljd distans räknas då 4 x den kortaste distansen. Kontakta sekretariatet senast kl. 17:00 dagen före önskat byte.
- A walker who walks 40 km, 40 km, 40 km and 50 km is considered at the finish line on Day 4 to have completed 4 x 40 km.
- A walker who walks 50 km, 50 km, 50 km and 40 km is considered to have completed 4 x 40 km at the finish line on Day 4.
- A walker who walks 50 km, 50 km, 50 km and 30 km is considered at the finish line on Day 4 to have completed 4 x 30 km.
Switching between civil class and service class participation is not permitted after the start of Day 1
B. Service Class
Service class participants must belong to the Police, Coast Guard, Customs, Rescue Service, Armed Forces, voluntary defense organization or equivalent. Military personnel must be registered in the Swedish Armed Forces' personnel management system PRIO or have a paid membership in a voluntary defense organization according to Ordinance (1994:524) on voluntary defense activities. Participants in the service class are themselves responsible for their own head of authority (C OrgE, head of authority, union head, union leadership, etc.) approving partly the participation itself, and partly the wearing of the organization's uniform when carrying out the event
Samtliga deltagare i tjänsteklass som bär uniform ska bära sin egen organisations för evenemanget bäst lämpade reglementerade uniform samt ryggsäck, alternativt civila oömma kläder och heltäckande byxa, och kängor som är godkända för användning i egen tjänst. Viktkrav följer enligt tabell. Deltagare med viktkrav ska säkerställa att de har tillgång till en fungerande bagagevåg. Fullföljande deltagare i tjänsteklass erhåller diplom och medalj.
Daily distance | Target group | From 15 years but not 18 years of age | From the age of 18 but not over 50 years of age | From 50 years |
40 km Service | Well-trained personnel belonging to the Police, Coast Guard, Customs, Rescue Service, Armed Forces or voluntary defense organization | No weight requirement | Backpack with a weight of at least 10.0 kg | No weight requirement |
Participants may complete the event in groups of a maximum of four (4) participants per group.
Underage defense youth must be led by an adult group leader.